Wednesday, July 25, 2012


First of all, I have to apologize for the fact that I have been absent for 5 days! I'm so sorry guys! Things have been extremely busy!

So here we are! It's the 25th of the month which for us means the start of a new month with our budget. Confusing right? why not just start the month when a new month actually starts? Well, just as a side note, we started it that way 3 years ago when we started Dave Ramsey's FPU, it's just how it fell when we did our first cash flow budget. Anyway...

Here is a recap of the past 5 days...

*We had leftover chicken noodle soup that I had frozen from a previous meal.

*Grilled Italian marinated Chicken with squash that was given to us from someone garden and the last of the frozen broccoli (I used the breast meat from the whole chicken I bought).

*An odds and ends night where we just kinda made a meal based on what each of us wanted out of the fridge.

*My Mom and Stepdad took us out to eat at Zaxby's one day.

*And my Mother-in-law bought pizza the day/night that my hubby picked her up from the airport.

So there you have it...

However, I have a surprise.... WE TOTALLY BLEW IT ON PURPOSE!!!!!!!

Yep, that's right... last night we totally could have done one more meal from the rest of the whole chicken that I had bought. However, as a special surprise for my hubby I decided to surprise him with his favorite place to eat... It occured to me that throughout this challenge there was pretty much no red meat involved, and sometimes no meat at all. That is very hard for my hubby honestly. He could eat a burger every night (thank God he married me so that doesn't happen! LOL). So when he came home from work we went to 5 Guys Burgers and Fries as a celebration for the fact that we made it.

So here is what I have learned from this challenge...

* We are blessed beyond measure and though it was hard to eat on pretty much only $100 this month, we had more that enough to eat even if it wasn't what we wanted.

* You don't always have to sacrifice nutrition because your budget is low. Many times it's cheaper to buy fresh fruits and veggies than it is to buy the packaged stuff.

* Incorporate more meals without meat. I think it would be a great idea for us to eat at least one meatless meal a week. Some of the ones I made were so yummy!

* NEVER throw out food! ALWAYS eat your leftovers!

* Plan, plan, plan your meals!

* Look for discount fruits, veggies, and meats!

Words cannot express the changes in my heart and perspective that have happened because of this experience. Unless you go through it, it is hard to explain or understand. You definitely learn to appreciate what you have and although you feel like your a person who lives frugally and on little money to begin with, you realize really quick how much you really didn't appreciate what you were blessed with. I would like to pass off this challenge to someone else. Or at least do one similar. It's definitely something worth trying with your family just so you can gain better perspective into your own lives and more importantly your hearts. Thank you for reading and encouraging me through this experience.

I hope you continue to follow this blow. It will have a new name in the coming days and will continue to have new things added and changed to become a site about frugal living, spending, recipes, etc. You will still be able to access all the Food Challenge links under the tab at the top of the page.
Have a great night and God bless!!!

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