Saturday, July 9, 2016

July- Week 2 Meal Plan and Why I don't Coupon Anymore

Today we are kicking off the second week of our July budget challenge. This past week was full of store visits and mainly contained purchases of household staple items such as toilet paper, toothpaste, etc. This ate up $96.97 of our $175 grocery budget for the month. Looking at those numbers and the fact that I spent another $19.34 at Food City day before yesterday, I'm getting kind of nervous about what is left in our grocery budget for the month. Right now I have $58.69 left for the rest of the month. I'm still determined to find a way to make this work. Before when I used to coupon I could have easily done it, however, having four very young children now, I honestly don't have the time to devote to it. This leads me to why I don't coupon anymore...

In the past few years we have also made many changes to how we eat. We eat mainly fresh fruits and veggies, very little processed foods, as organic and non-gmo as possible, plant based and green cleaners, and safer toothpastes, shampoos, and soaps. I cook most things from scratch so that I know what my family is eating. Most of the things we purchase don't have coupons, so that, plus the time issue is why I don't coupon anymore. I do access and use Target's Cartwheel app for some items, but otherwise, I'm couponless.

Now, onto this week's meal plan:

Saturday, July 9:

Breakfast- Egg Sandwiches
Lunch- Annie's Mac and Cheese and Applesauce
Dinner- Chicken Fried Rice (recipe to follow)

Sunday, July 10:

Breakfast- (church)
Lunch- After Church dinner
Dinner- Beef Cabbage Soup

Monday, July 11:

Breakfast- Oatmeal and fruit (blackberries growing in the woods beside the house)
Lunch- Peanut Butter wraps, carrot sticks and cucumbers out of the garden
Dinner- Leftover Beef Cabbage Soup

Tuesday, July 12:

Breakfast- eggs and toast
Lunch- Tortilla pizzas
Dinner- Black Bean and Chicken Quesadillas 

Wednesday, July 13:

Breakfast- Quick Potato Hash (Recipe to follow)
Lunch- Chicken salads
Dinner- Deer Burgers

Thursday, July 14:

Breakfast- Pancakes from fresh ground wheat
Lunch- Leftover burgers
Dinner- Pinto beans, potatoes, and green beans from the garden

Friday, July 15:

Breakfast- Oatmeal and fruit
Lunch- PB&J
Dinner- Leftovers

Saturday, July 16:

Breakfast- eggs and toast
Lunch- Any leftovers or PB&J
Dinner- Spaghetti (using frozen sauce from last week, recipe to follow)

Hope you guys have a fabulous week!



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