Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The $100 Grocery Challange!!!

Welcome!!! Our family is setting out to conquer the task of having a $100 grocery budget for the whole month of July... Sounds impossible, and it might be, but we are here to test it out. For those of you who may not know, we are a family of 4 (Me, hubby, 2yr old son, 4month old son).

Why this came about...

Many might be wondering why in the world I decided to do this to our family (I know I still am, LOL)... Before our 2yr old was born, we went through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. It was definitely a life changing and eye-opening experience to say the least and I highly recommend it. However, I have to say, sorry Dave, we fell off the wagon and ran a bit hiatus for a few months. It’s not like we went out and charged up a bunch of credit cards or bought a bunch of stuff on loans or anything, we just haven’t been doing or keeping a budget that allows us to pay off our student loans faster (in his words, snowball debt).
Another reason... I had my 4month old back in Feb. and had to take 6weeks without pay after he was born. Now our savings account is looking a bit wilted and we are gearing up for our month without a pay check for me pretty soon (I’m a teacher, hence the weird pay thing).
The final straw... I was looking through our cabinets when we got home from vacation this past weekend and thought it would be a great idea to empty them through a budget challenge while filling up our savings account a bit more. It’s very convicting to me to open a cupboard and complain there is nothing to eat when people around the world would be happy to have even one bag of dried pintos that dawns my filled pantry shelves. God has blessed us so much and I feel like I need to do this challenge to prove to myself that I have been taking for granted the blessing of food.

I thought I would share this endeavor with our friends, family, and whoever else wants to listen, haha... Somehow I think by documenting it I will be held a little more accountable.

Challenge Rules...

Use nothing but CASH!
The budget must include food, household goods, cleaning supplies, diapers (if needed), wipes (if needed), and toiletries.
You may use anything from the pantry/freezer that was already bought.
The budget challenge will run through June 26-July 26.

So there it is... the rules... pretty plain and simple. I will try to post a daily update with shopping trips (if any), recipes (yummy ones and flops, LOL), and any cool money saving tips I come up with!

I’m super excited about and I hope you are too! Lets get this started!!! :)

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