Thursday, June 23, 2016

A New Budget Challenge

Okay, so it's been four years since I did the $100 grocery challenge. It was a challenge to force me to budget closely and wisely. Not only did the challenge include food, but also any household type items we may need. (You can read about it here)

I don't know about you, but I'm in need of a budget reset. I have things in my cabinets that need to be used and are never in my meal plan. So, I challenge you to join me! Let's get talking on social media about how your budget is going each day. Let's offer ideas for meals and savings that we use on the journey. It's so important to be good stewards of the money we have no matter how much or how little that may be. The Lord is so good to provide for us, let's use this challenge as a way to really focus in on using it wisely so that we can use the "extra" to bless others.

Here are the rules of the game....

1. The challenge will start on July 1, 2016 and will end
2. You may use anything from your pantry or freezer that was already bought. (I will do a blog post about ideas on how to do a pantry/cabinet inventory)
3. Use nothing but CASH (yep, you read that right... there is a specific purpose for this).
4. Your budget must include food, household goods, toiletries, diapers/wipes, etc.
And last but not least.....

I'm not going to tell you what to set your budget at. That all depends on your family, your income, your dynamic. I am currently going back and forth on two different numbers for myself and will decide this week what my budget will be. I will try to do several posts leading up to the challenge's beginning. Whatever your budget is, I challenge you to really choose a number that won't be easy for you. This is meant to really test you and teach you of what you are capable of by being good stewards and being intentional with life's blessings.

I hope you will join me! :)


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