Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Strawberry "Crepes"

I found this recipe on Pinterest and it instantly grabbed my attention. Not only is this a great quick breakfast, but it was also healthy and most of all, good! The mixture seems like it would be great even for a healthy waffle alternative, which I may try next time. I really enjoy great, new breakfast recipes. I tend to get stuck in a rut of always eating the same things for breakfast so it's nice to have something new! Enjoy!

Strawberry "Crepes"

2/3 cup oats
2 eggs
2 tsp cinnamon
1 banana
1/2 cup of almond, regular, or cashew milk
8 strawberries, sliced
(optional: raw honey and plain greek yogurt)

Blend oats in a food processor or blender until it turns into flour consistency. Next add in eggs, cinnamon, banana, and milk. Pulse until blended.
Lightly spray a non-stick pan with olive oil and warm on medium heat. Pour a small tortilla size amount into the pan, begin slowly tilting the pan in order for batter to spread into a larger, yet thinner crepe. Let cook until it begins to bubble, at this point carefully turn your crepe with a spatula. Set on a plate when done and continue cooking until all batter is finished. You should end up with 6 crepes.
Now, spread a layer of strawberries in the middle and roll up. A serving is 3 of them. As an option you can do like I did and finish it off with a plop of greek yogurt and a drizzle of honey.

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